Technology many of possibilities. We change the Sea water , polluted water, to clean where it is needed.
Sea water ,The desalination module are designed for land use, can be fed directly from the sea or any beach well and will convert seawater or salty brackish water to pure fresh drinking water.
1 unit has a capacity 30 – 200 m³/d of water. Energy consumption from 2.8kw/m³(30000ppmNaCl)
Polluted water, Container Water Treatment removes mechanical impurities, iron, manganese, water hardness, turbidity, bacteria, viruses, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, organic pollutants, colloidal substances and adjusts color, taste, smell and pH.
1 unit has a capacity 0.5 -10m3/h of water. Total input power 150w-6kw Power input; can be connected to the electric network, generator or solar power supply.
It’s Features: